
H. E. Joseph N. Boakai, Sr.

President of Liberia

H. E. Zegben J. K. Koung

Vice President of Liberia

Convention & Protocol

No. Convention  DateLiberia Becoming A Party About Liberia's Progress Activities to Follow

Cartargena Protocol on Biosafety

February 16, 2000 As part of Liberia’s ratification of this protocol, a National Biosafety Framework project was launched by the EPA to enhance Liberia’s capacity in dealing with Living Modified Organisms and Genetically Modified Organisms. As a country, and through the project, Liberia now has in a place a risk assessment and risk management guideline and regulation on Bio-safety, a GMO detection laboratory at National Standard, a Biosafety policy and draft legislation on Biosafety prepared; as well as a communication strategy and BCH.
  • Completion of on-going public awareness, education and information dissemination programmes in secondary and tertiary institution across Monrovia. And finally, the preparation terminal report to end said project.
  • TEEB Pilot Project (an ecosystem based project, concentrating on mangrove ecosystem. When completed, it will inform decisions on coastal and marine ecosystem with specific focus on mangrove ecosystems to address issues of Marine Protected Areas and sustainable livelihood for those in the fisheries sub-sector.
  • Host donor round table conference to raise money for the implementation of the Revised NBSAP somewhere here in Liberia and abroad in March 2017.




August 15, 2015

Liberia, through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently implementing public awareness, education and information dissemination on the Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) project. The project is intended to provide information, education and awareness to Liberian stakeholders on the need of the protocol and significance of stakeholders in taking appropriate measures towards access to genetic resources, benefit-sharing and compliance.

The project targets mainly policy makers, traditional leaders and traditional knowledge holders and healers.

Information Awareness and Stakeholder Engagement

United Nations Convention to combat Desertification (UNCCD)

1994 Under this convention, Liberia with the full involvement of the EPA completed the Sustainable Land management Project which resulted into the preparation of the country's NAP (National Action Plan on sustainable land management). Liberia also completed the alignment of her NAP with the 10 years Strategic plan project.  


1. Vienna Convention January 1,1995

2.Montreal Protocol on Ozone layer January 1,1996

3.London Amendment January 1,1996

4.Copenhagen Amendment January 1,1996

5.Beijing Amendment 30 August, 2004

6. Montreal Amendment-1997

The following are key achievable so far:

  1. The Development and completion of a National ozone policy and ozone registry;
  2. Phasing out, the generation of ODS- ozone depleting substances;
  3. Successfully training over 400 refrigeration technician etc.
  Basel Convention Came into force in 1992 Liberia became a party 16 January 2002    
  Stockholm Convention Came in to force  22 May 2001 Liberia became a party in 2002    
  Rotterdam Convention

Came into force 10 Sept 1998, Liberia became a party  22 august 2002